Le 16 mars

Grandfather’s 7 Sacred Teachings

Mme Jules wrapped up the 7th sacred teaching with students today. We discussed Truth. Children will bring home their booklets to share with you.

Fairy Tales

Students are finishing writing and illustrating their reinvented fairy tales. We will share them in class after the break, then bring them home to share with families.


We have been adding 2-digit plus 2-digit numbers. Our focus is on using tens (dizaines) and ones (unités) to add numbers. A worksheet will come home so you can see your child’s progress.


This week, our focus is the sound è, ê, ei as in bed.


We have been learning about the lands of Newfoundland and New-Brunswick this week.

Home Reading

Some students have become world travellers! Keep up the home reading. Children are welcome to read over the break and during their travels.

Get Ready for Spring!

We will clean out desks and lockers. Please have a look at your child’s indoor and outdoor shoes. Some laces and velcro have deteriorated. Outdoor shoes need to have no holes in them, and indoor shoes need to fit. Makes sure your child’s shoes fit and are in good condition. With boot season winding down, Spring shoes may be needed. A reminder we have gym daily, so shoes should be appropriate for running.

Happy Spring Break!

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