November 23

Winter Tips:

  • LABEL all your child’s outerwear. I have found items in the hall but no one recognizes them… labels would help!
  • Purchase an over the door hook for your child’s locker. I have heard you can get them at the dollar store. Snowpants can hang on the hook, and there will be more room in the locker to organize other things.
  • Send indoor shoes to school. They are required. LABEL them!
  • Remind your child to put their winter boots neatly on the boot mats provided in the hallways.

This week:

  • We are focusing  on the letters eau as in bateau Eau makes the sound o as in nose.
  • We are learning fascinating facts about Manitoba and about Churchill’s polar bears.
  • We are using base ten blocks and diagrams to support the concept of adding 2-digit plus 1-digit numbers.

61 + 5 = 66

Upcoming Events:

  • Winter Concert at the Sagebrush December 18th
    • 2 tickets will be provided per family
    • If you would like an extra ticket, email the school on Dec. 4th
    • Children should wear nice clothes or festive colours for the concert
  • Bake sale November 29th. I believe items will cost 1$.
  • PD Day Dec. 4th. No school.

Keep up the home reading! Keep adding and subtracting with your child! Home practice supports your child’s learning.


November 15

Remembrance Day was in our discussions lasts week, and our paintings of poppies are in the hallway if anyone would like to have a look at our artwork.

This week we are:

  • reviewing the letter blend ‘en‘ and focusing on ‘au‘ which makes the sound as in nose
  • writing postcards using our imaginations
  • learning about communities across Canada through Show and Tell
  • continuing to talk about First Nations in Canada, using our calendar cards to learn about the significance of certain animals in aboriginal art
  • reviewing counting money and adding and subtracting to 20 in math
  • learning different ways to add 2-digit plus 2-digit numbers such as 60+15

Coming up:

  • Tues., Nov. 21 we will have 2 special events at the school:
    1. Primary Popcorn Day. Please send 1$ in an envelope or ziplock with your child’s name on it by Monday if he/she wishes to order popcorn for Tuesday.
    2. Jour de jumeaux – Twins Day. The school is inviting anyone who wishes to participate to dress the same as another friend at school. I have heard I might see triplets as well…