
2-digit minus 2-digit numbers is probably one of the toughest math skills we develop in grade 2!

Many students are comfortable drawing tens and ones to help solve subtraction problems. We have also been using open number lines as another strategy. Please have a look at the two examples students shared today. Your child is encouraged to try using open number lines! (Open meaning that ALL whole numbers do not appear on the number line; the child jumps along the number line using friendly numbers that they write on the line).

We start at 71 and go left on the number line.

Here, we know that 38+?=71, so we can go from left to right on the number line.

Le 26 avril


We are exploring 3D solids. We name them, explore their characteristics, build them and test if they roll or slide.



Our focus is guided reading in small groups. We are also journal writing, connecting to water.

Our sounds this week and next week are patterns with the letter g. This week, we focus on the hard g as in galaxie, gorille and vague. Last week we learned the sound gn in araignée (ny sound).


We have been learning about the water cycle.

Personal Health

In May, we will begin our Kids in the Know Program. This is a great resource complete with puppets and picture books that helps children be safe and identify trusted adults in their lives. Please see your email for more details.

Le 13 avril

Spring is underway!

For the Day of Sucwentwecw on April 6, we engaged in many activities to acknowledge each other and Indigenous Peoples of our lands. We learned the story of how Turtle Island, present-day North America, came to be. Then students drew what they see on the lands where they live on the backs of turtles. Artist Michelle Stoney graciously shared her drawing of a turtle with students to use for their drawings.

Students also created representations of tipis with the four colours of the medicine wheel and a holistic version of human health.

Lastly, in math, we explored traditional Haida shapes in art and heard the story of Killer Whale Eyes. Students are working on their own whale drawings using Indigenous shapes.

In math, we continue to work with 2-digit numbers and have begun a unit on shapes. Our focus this week is on 2-D shapes.

In French, we are sharing our own fairy tales in groups. Students will hold on to stories for buddy reading with classmates and big buddies. Then, stories will come home. We are reading stories about water.




April / May Show and Tell

April / May Show & Tell

This month’s Show and Tell theme will be… WATER! in French!

Where does our water come from? Why is water important? 

The above are some of the questions that we will be exploring in science during the third term. Students can choose a Show and Tell topic that connects to water. Here are some ideas:

  • A favourite place by the water
  • A favourite animal that depends on water
  • A pet at home that requires water
  • An activity that you like to do in the water
  • A favourite landscape shaped by water
  • A glacier

Remember to prepare for Show and Tell by planning what to say in French! A visual aid such as an object, photo, drawing, poster or book is always an asset. Explain why water is important in the context of your topic.