Le 30 novembre

Math Movement

Are you wondering if we sit at our desks all day?! Gosh no!

Today we had 20 minutes of math fun with dice.

Students shake containers of dice, and then as quickly as they can, accurately make ten with each number. Students can stand, turn, dance and shake their bodies to get some math movement!

We also used our addition/subtraction dice to add and subtract on mini-whiteboards. Children will ideally be at the point of mastery where they can easily and accurately add and subtract to 20.


This week our focus has been the sound ein as in ceinture. This makes the same sound as in and ain.

We are reviewing festive vocabulary from years past and making connections to sounds we have learned this year. We are also playing close attention to the masculine and feminine articles of nouns.

December is on the horizon…

Tomorrow is bring a can of soup to school for the Food Bank day! Each day of school before the holidays, students are encouraged to donate various items to the Food Bank. The class that donates the most items will win a pizza party.

Le 29 novembre

What’s new in class?


Last week, we worked on a problem allowing every student to challenge themselves at their level with subtraction:

The difference between 2 numbers is 5. What could the numbers be?

Some students were working with numbers up to 10 000! They were proud:)

The difference between 2 numbers is 5. What might the numbers be?

We also have some new dominos to enrich math activities! We learned a hockey game reinforcing tens and ones, and greater than vocabulary as well as some hockey vocabulary!

Indigenous Activity with Mme Jules

Today Mme Jules came into our class. Children used the 4 colours from the medicine wheel to paint pinecones. They put stars on top and now have a festive decoration. Shhh… some students would like to give them as gifts for the holidays.


Le 23 novembre

What’s happening in November?


  • We have learned about all stages of the salmon’s life cycle.
  • We learned ways we can help protect salmon.
  • We looked at salmon in First Nations art and then were inspired to make our own art.


  • Children have been bringing in pictures, photos, antlers and even fur and a skull to help us learn about wild nature in B.C. through Show and Tell.
  • Each child has a special spot in the schoolyard that they return to each time we do outdoor learning. Today, we looked and listened for birds. We have been using our 5 senses to appreciate nature, touched nature around us, and did some math with small natural items
  • Word puzzles are another way we practice Canada vocabulary, including Canadian animals.


  • Last week, our focus was the sound in in lapin. 
  • This week, our focus is the same sound but spelled ain as in main.
  • We have been looking closely at masculine and feminine articles such as le/la, un/une, mon/ma, ton/ta and son/sa (the, a, my, your, his/ her).
  • We are journal writing, reading in small groups with the teacher, buddy reading, silent reading (our stamina is up to 14 minutes), printing neatly, listening to and discussing stories and being word detectives.
  • In home reading, some students have travelled to Ontario on our wall map. As a reward, each student receives a pencil for visiting Ottawa.


  • We continue to focus on subtraction while continuing practicing addition.
  • We are learning some new math games and will be working on an open-ended problem tomorrow.


  • We have been working on throwing and catching skills this month.
  • We play outdoor games 3 times a week.
  • We get our heart rates up with various tag games.

Le 3 novembre

We have shifted gears this week as November is here!

This week:

Social Studies

  • We are recognizing Remembrance Day , le Jour du Souvenir
  • We learned about Alberta including landscapes, cities and festivals there
  • Next week we will explore the Blackfoot, les Pieds-Noirs are the first peoples of southern Alberta


  • We read Prince Olivier ne veut pas se laver, a story about a Prince who didn’t want to wash! We made connections about a time we didn’t want to wash or listen to adults about health and hygiene
  • We learned about ways we can take care of our teeth, les dents


  • Our focus this week is the sound eu as in feu
  • We are wrapping up our guided reading groups and changing some groups next week
  • We are writing about health


  • We learned about number families today
  • We are mastering adding to 20, trying to become more efficient and accurate
  • We are shifting our focus to subtraction with numbers to 20

November / December Show and Tell

Our next Show and Tell topic has begun! We had an excellent presentation on the Pacific Ocean today to start us off:)

Here is more information regarding our exploration of B.C.’s wild nature!


During November, each student will choose a plant or an animal native to our province of BC, or a natural wonder in BC to learn about.

Each child will conduct research about their topic. Find out:

  • How to say the plant/ animal or place in French
  • Where it is found in B.C.
  • Something interesting to share about the topic in French!

Sample topics:

  • Spirit Bear/ Kermode Bear -L’ours Esprit/ L’ours Kermode
  • Black bear -L’ours noir
  • Pine tree– Le pin
  • Cedar tree- Le cèdre
  • Bald eagle -L’aigle
  • Pacific Ocean- L’Océan Pacifique
  • Stellar Jay- Le geai de Stellar
  • Jade- Le jade (our official mineral!)

Please bring in an object or visual such as:

  • An artifact (a piece of jade, a salmon bone, an eagle feather, a pinecone, a cedar bough, etc).
  • A photo from home
  • A drawing made by the student
  • A book from the library
  • A picture printed from the internet

*Please choose a WILD plant or animal native to B.C.- NOT a pet puppy, cat, etc

*See Mme with a 1st and 2nd choice, so we can avoid any duplication:)

Also please bring a labelled image that we can put on our bulletin board!