Le jeudi 30 avril/ vendredi 1 mai


Les maths

Review les cylindres .

In the cahier rouge, do p. 60, p.61 and p.62. You will need a glue stick and scissors. Also complete the maze on p.63 for fun if you wish!

p.60 Cut out the solid shapes. Organize them into 2 groups according to a rule. Then glue the shapes.

p.61 Look at the patterns. Cut out the solid shapes and continue the patterns. Glue the shapes.

p.62 Look at the patterns. Choose which shapes continue the pattern and circle them. Below, colour the cones to create your own pattern.

p.63 Find the path from the knight to the castle!

Le langage

Listen to Mme Harmatuk read Magie d’un jour de pluie.

In your journal, make a connection with the story. When you are in the house all day, how do you use your imagination?

J’aime jouer… (I like to play…)

J’imagine que je vois… J’imagine qu’il y a… (I imagine that I see… I imagine that there is/there are….)

La musique

Here is M. Hogeveen’s lesson.


Les maths

Review solid shapes on p.64 in the cahier rouge.

p.64 Count how many of each solid shape you see. Then write the number on the line next to that shape.

Bravo! You finished chapter 3!

Le langage

Read in Raz-kids.

If you have not recorded yourself reading yet, please choose a book in your reading room. Use the microphone icon to record yourself reading for Mme H. If you choose a long book, you can just read a page or two.

If you have already recorded yourself, complete a reading in your assignments and the quiz if there is one.

If you have done both, choose a French book and read for pleasure!


Play some math games on Mathplayground.

Work where you left off in your cahier rouge or your cahier de calcul.

Listen to Mme Kilmartin read J’adore mon nouveau jouet.

Make paper flowers for Spring.

Catch up on Raz-Kids assignments.

Play outside or do some yoga. Look for links by clicking the “les ressources” tab on this blog.



Le mardi 28 avril/ mercredi 29 avril

Le mardi 

Le langage

This week’s sound is oir (w-are). Read and write the words in the cahier de vocabulaire p. 15. Then, use at least 3 words to write sentences below.

Les sciences humaines

Watch this video about P.E.I. Also, join Mme H on zoom at 10:30 to hear about P.E.I.

This week, we are learning about Prince Edward Island, l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard. Find P.E.I. on the map in your red sciences duotang. Colour and label. The province is small but the name is long! The name can be written in the Atlantic Ocean somewhere near the province. Then, draw a line to join the label to the island.

PEI on Canada map

Les maths

Watch a video about les cubes. In the cahier rouge, complete p. 59. Imagine making solid shapes and look at the pictures. How many toothpicks and balls of modelling clay would you need to make each shape? At the end, draw or make your own shape and write how many short and long toothpicks or straws as well as balls you would use for your shape. Extra: Make each shape on the page if you wish.


Use materials at home to make your own solid shape. Name the shape in French. (Look at p.56 for some shape names). Show and share your shape in a zoom meeting on Thursday or Friday. You might use: sticks and tape, paper and glue, play dough and toothpicks or even marshmallows. Be creative and have fun:)

Le mercredi

Le langage

Read a French book in Raz-Kids.

Listen to a story. Think about how you can fill the bucket of others in your home.

Les maths

In your cahier rouge, do p.189, 190 & 191 to help with adding to 100 OR play Tic Tac Toe.


Learn about forces and motion this week with Mme Magalie.

Click on the songs- chansons tab of this blog and listen to a song or two.

Read more books at home or in Raz-Kids.

Write in your journal about how you can fill the bucket of other people in your home today.

Le jeudi 23 avril/ vendredi 24 avril



Artiste de mots Divide a page in your Artiste de mots workbook into 2. Write oin on one half, and tion on the other. Search for words with these letter sounds in your French books (Raz-kids/ lecturenfant/ books at home). Write the words, with fancy letters if you wish, and add colours and small pictures or symbols, like we have done in class.


You will need a pencil, eraser, scissors, glue stick and your cahier rouge. We are working with shapes.

p. 54 Imagine you pushed each of these solid shapes down a ramp. Would each shape roll OR slide? Does your answer change depending on how you place the shape on the ramp? Think about this as you complete this page.

Coche les solides qui roulent. Put a check-mark next to shapes that would roll.

Coche les solides qui glissent. Put a check-mark next to shapes that would slide.

Coche les solides qui glissent ET qui roulent. Put a check-mark next to shapes that can slide AND roll.

p.55 Cut and glue shapes to make towers.

p.56 Read the name of each solid shape. Then count the number of each that you see in the castle, and write the number on the line next to the shape.


Listen to the story Martin le lapin read by Mme Kilmartin. I read this story to one group last week, so those students can listen again for fun!


French words: In class, students learned how to use an App called the French word wizard. If you are interested in using it at home, it can be purchased for $5.50.

Catch up on a reading assignment or choose a book from the reading room in Raz-Kids. You can earn stars to get items for your Avatar!



You will need scissors, glue and your cahier rouge. On p.57, but along the solid lines. Then, fold along the dotted lines, and glue the flaps together to make your own… write what solid shape you made in the line on p.57!


Find your cahier de réfléxion. (Parents, this a small blue workbook that is half the size of the journal. We use it for self-reflections). Write about how learning at home has been for you in April. Use the sentence starters in the front cover for ideas. Think about what you have liked: J’ai aimé…. what has been hard: Ce que j’ai trouvé difficile était… what you are proud of: Je suis fier/ fière de… and a goal for May: Mon but est… 


Explore CBC Kids in French. Choose an activity or watch a French video. You can choose zone des petits for simpler activities for younger children, or zone jeunesse to read more advanced blogs about different topics.


We have been reading about animals, so dance along with the song Animals.

Work in your cahier de calcul (or duotang jaune) for 15 minutes.

Draw and name shapes using virtual elastics on a geoboard.

Math Playground Geoboard


Journée de la Terre

April 22 is Earth Day, a day to appreciate the nature around us.

Watch this short video to ignite your wonder about animals.

Le langage et les arts visuels

Draw and write about what you appreciate in the nature around you this Spring. You can draw a picture in your journal OR watch this art video. For a challenge, can you make the art in the video but use some recycled materials or items from nature to replace some items in the art?

After you have finished your drawing or art, write! Here are some ways you might start your sentences:

Dehors, je vois… (Outside, I see…)

Au Printemps, j’aime… (In the Spring, I like…)

Dans ma cour, il y a… (In my yard, there is/ there are…)

You might also include some words from your Coup de Pouce.



*The quality may make these words hard to read. They have been emailed to you for those who would like to use them.


Play Tic Tac Toe or do the questions on this Tic Tac Toe card.


Lecture: Choose a book to read in Raz-Kids. Click on the red microphone icon to record yourself reading!

Maths: Work in your cahier de calcul for 15 minutes. (Some students have a yellow calculs duotang).

Science: Explore Mme Magalie’s lessons for this week, the week of April 20.

Jour de la Terre: Watch a Ranger Rob Earth Day episode in French. (23 minutes).

Watch a recycling video. (2 min).

Learn about how garbage ends up in our rivers. (3 min.)

Print an Earth Day colouring sheet.

Get outside and have fun!

Le lundi 20 avril/ mardi 21 avril



Our new sound of the week:

see + one without much g

We have seen this sound many times! récréation (recess), collation (snack), natation (swimming). Remember to take a morning recess today and enjoy the Spring weather!

There is not a tion page in our vocabulary book, so write some commonly used words, and use them to write some sentences on p. 27 of the Cahier de vocabulaire. 


We have been practicing flat, 2D shapes in art: cercle, rectangle, carré, triangle. 

Next, notice where you see these shapes when exploring 3D shapes. Today, watch a video to get you thinking about shapes.

*Parent note: Our new math topic over the next couple of weeks will be shapes. Children should ALSO continue to practice adding to 100 in order to maintain and build their addition skills.



Look for a new animal book in your assignments in Raz-kids. Also answer the quiz questions after!


Find chapter 3 in your cahier rouge. Complete p. 52 & p.53. On p. 52, draw a line from each form to the part of the sandcastle that was made with that form. On p. 53, draw a line from the shape to the common objects that resemble that shape.


Play Kangaroo Hop on math playground.

*Parent note: In gr. 2, children do not need to know many of the mathematical names for 3D shapes such as “rectangular prism”. However, I have found that many on-line math activities focus on the names. So, you can teach your child some shape names, or have him/her learn through trial and error. Some common names resemble English: cône, sphère, cube, cylindre. Prisms and pyramids in French also resemble the English: pyramide, prisme rectangulaire. So, in this case, learning some shape vocabulary at home in English will support the French.


Listen to a French animal story.

Catch up on assignments or read for pleasure in the reading room of Raz-Kids.

Explore other games at mathplayground.

Work in your cahier de calcul.

Read books that you have at home:) Maybe you will see the sound tion.


Le vendredi 17 avril

Les sciences humaines

Did you guess what Canadian province we will be learning about today?

It’s… la Nouvelle-Écosse! (Nova Scotia).

Read and listen to a story about Nova Scotia’s animals. You will need to enter the username llgg1 and the password lire2 . Please help your child find the book as it is not a direct link to the story. Go to the Fourmi (ant) level, and on page 2 find Les animaux de la Nouvelle-Écosse.

Then, in  your red sciences duotang label Nouvelle-Écosse on your map. It is okay that some letters will be in the Atlantic ocean! Lightly colour the province, including Cape Breton Island. Do NOT colour l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard. 


Le langage

Détective de mots

Be a word detective. Search for words with the oi as in oiseau and the oin as in pointu. Notice the difference between oi and io. Search in any French books you have on-line, on Raz-Kids or livresvideo.net. (See username and password above). Write the words on a paper or on a whiteboard.


M. Hogeveen has a video for you! You may need to turn up your volume as he recorded this one outside. You will need your parents’ help and permission to use water and kitchen containers to make some home-made instruments. Have a look!

Finish this week’s work and have a great week-end!


Play Tic Tac Toe in math with this week’s or last week’s board.

Read for pleasure in the reading room of Raz-Kids.

Practice math on math playground.

Work in your cahier de calcul or your cahier rouge.

Just Dance : Move Your Feet

Le jeudi 16 avril


Today, review shapes, make some art and write! We will be making a duckling, un caneton.


Paper (coloured construction paper if you have such as yellow, red, blue and green)



Something to trace a large and small circle such as a yoghurt tub and cup

Paint if you wish

Coloured pencils

Extras: If you have craft supplies, you may want googly eyes and cotton balls.

  1. Make your background. Use paint OR paper to cut and glue OR coloured pencils or markers to create a background, such as a sky and a grassy hill for your duckling.

Draw, cut and glue or paint a background.

2. Practice your shapes and colours! Use red and yellow paper, or two other colours that you have or like. Trace and cut out:

2 grands cercles jaunes (le corps et les ailes) cut one in half to make 2 wings

1 petit cercle rouge (la tête)

2 petits triangles rouges (les pieds) trim an edge of each to look like webbed feet

2 petits rectangles rouges (les jambes)

1 petit triangle jaune (le bec)

Trace 2 grands cercles jaunes.

Trace un petit cercle rouge.

3. Place then glue your body parts onto your background to make a duckling.

4. Add eyes, draw feathers on the wings, and add any other details  that you wish (clouds, flowers).

Mon caneton

5. Write a few sentences about  your duckling: Mon caneton. Some words you might use: cercle, triangle, rouge, jaune, petit, grand, J’ai coupé, J’ai collé, J’aime.


Work for 15 minutes in your cahier rouge or your cahier de calcul. 


Play Take the Cake. Try level 2 when you spin the wheel!


Learn about gravity with Mme Magalie.

Listen to a French story with Mme Dufour.

Read a book from the reading room in Raz-Kids.

Get out your red “Sciences” duotang. We will be using it for “sciences humaines” tomorrow. Can you guess which province we will be learning about?

Le mardi 14/ mercredi 15 avril

Le mardi 14 avril


w + “in”

Write words with the sound of the week by completing p.20 in the cahier de vocabulaire. Then write sentences using at least 3 of the words. Remember each sentence needs a capital majuscule and a period un point.


Play Tic Tac Toe with this new board:


Read a book from the reading room or catch up on assignments and quizzes with Raz-Kids.

Play Galaxy Pals on math playground.

Le mercredi 15 avril


Write a journal today. The title is: Une machine fantastique. 

Invente une machine que tu veux avoir. Quels matériaux faut-il pour la fabriquer? Comment est-ce que cette machine aide ta vie? Dessine un diagramme de ta machine.


Work for 15 minutes in your cahier de calcul. 


Read your assigned animal story in “My Assignments” in Raz-Kids and complete the quiz by Friday.


Maths- Play va pêcher or visit www.thatquiz.org.

Gymnase- Just Dance Waka Waka.





Le jeudi 9 avril


Play Tic Tac Toe with a family member in the house or a friend on video chat. If no one is available, answer the questions on the Tic Tac Toe Board. How to  play:

  1. Copy the board onto a piece of paper (or get an adult to help).

2. The object of the game is to get 3 squares in a row before your opponent. A row can be horizontal, vertical or diagonal.

3. One person is “x” and the other is “o”, or you can choose two different coloured counters that you have at home.

4. Choose the square that you want. EACH PLAYER uses a scrap paper or whiteboard surface to copy the question and find out the answer. When both players are ready, show each other your answer. If they are the same, you get the square! If not, together figure out where the error is and whose answer is correct. If yours is not correct, you do not get the square.

5.Take turns choosing a square until someone wins!


Get a paper, colouring pencils/ markers, a pencil and an eraser ready.

Click in the video link to learn how to trace your hand to make an animal. Choose ONE example, and trace your hand on your paper to make your own animal. Add details and colour your animal. Then write some French sentences about your animal. Some words you might use to describe your animal: vite fast, lent(e) slow, grand(e) big, petit(e) small, dangereux(euse) dangerous, gentil(le) nice, grand(e) tall, and what colour(s) your animal is. Keep your animal to share next week!


Listen to Mme Kilmartin read an Easter story.

Watch a slide show from the Lloyd George Staff.

Visit Mme Magalie’s Classroom to learn how to make a paper helicopter and fly it in or outside your house.

Catch up on assignments in or read for pleasure in the reading room at Raz-kids.


Le mercredi 8 avril


Log into Raz-Kids and enter your password. Listen to my audio message by clicking on the speech bubble. Choose a book to read in “My Assignments”. Then complete the quiz. Use your stars to choose items for your Avatar!


In your journal, write today’s date in French, and the title: Mon jouet préféré. (My favourite toy). Write about your favourite toy or game at home. Why do you love your favourite toy? Describe what it looks like. Where do you play with it? Who do you enjoy sharing your toy with or do you play with it alone? Draw a picture of your toy and colour it. Here are some words from our word wall to help you write:


Complete the following questions:

83 + 7 =

64 + 29 =

28 + 16 =

55 + 36 =

Work in your cahier de calcul for 10 minutes.

Go on-line to www.thatquiz.org and click on “Arithmetic” to practice adding and subtracting. Or work in your cahier rouge for 10 minutes.

Get your paper and pencil crayons/ markers ready tomorrow for another draw and write activity!