Le 8 février

This week:

We began learning about the Quebec winter festival, Carnaval!

Bonhomme Carnaval wears the Métis sash, and we have been learning about the Métis. Mme Niwa also brought in traditional wooden spoons and we played the spoons to the Bonhomme song.

Mme Jules is coming into our class once a week until March Break to help us learn about the 7 Sacred Teachings.

In French, we are learning about the letter c. When the c is followed by a, o or u it makes a hard c sound as in cake, UNLESS the c is written as ç, in which case it sounds like an s. When the c is followed by e or i, it makes an s sound.

Canard, coccinelle, cube, garçon, cerise, citron are the examples we are using as a focus.

In math, we measured with metre sticks today. We have also continued to add 10, 20, 30, 40 to a number.

Tomorrow, we will painting our snowmen inspired but the secret life of snowmen at night.

We will also begin planning our own fairy tales as children become authors of their own books! We have been reading fun reinvented fairy tales such as Cinderella as a penguin, Cendrillon Pingouin, as well as fairy tales that challenge stereotypes such as Cinder Edna, who was happier than Cinderella- fun, laughter and caring for the planet brought her more joy than the splendour and vanity that Cinderella found didn’t bring her the joy she thought it would.

Today we celebrated diversity with rainbow day, but we are also honouring and celebrating diversity every day! I can’t wait to hear the children’s own fairy tales! This is a big project that we will wrap up before March Break.


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