October 23

The children decorated our classroom door in the spirit of Halloween and next week we will learn the sound ou as in Boo! and hibou. Last week our focus was the sound eu in feu.

Our classroom door

Next week, your child is invited to participate in any of the upcoming spirit days:

Monday: Crazy hair day.

Tuesday: Wear orange and black.

Wednesday: Twin/Triplet day. Dress like your friends!

Thursday: Pajama Day. (No stuffies, blankets or slippers this year please).

Friday: Dress in costume or bright colours. No masks or weapons. Avoid too many accessories. No treats please. You can keep candy at home after Halloween as well please! Healthy snacks support student learning:)

Snow is here!

There are now boot mats in the hallways for boots. Students may wish to keep a pair of indoor shoes in their locker. If not, please send your child to school with clean dry shoes in his/her backpack. Please label boots and outerwear in case items get misplaced. Thanks.