Le lundi 30 mars

Bonjour! L’école virtuelle commence aujourd’hui !

Welcome back to virtual school. Our new sound this week is:

ui makes the sound ooee (like zoo + see)

Write the ui words correctly in your best printing. If you pick up workbooks this week from school, you can work on p .8 in the cahier de vocabulaire.

lui, je suis, minuit, la nuit, un biscuit, du bruit, de la pluie, un buisson, un ruisseau, juillet

These are mostly common words, but email me if you need to know what a word means or use the translation tools (linguee or reverso web sites) found under the “Les ressources” tab on this blog.

Then use at least 3 of the list words in sentences. Write a few sentences or a short story that uses these words! Keep your work for sharing later. Make sure every sentence starts with a “majuscule” (capital letter) and ends in a “point” (period- or other punctuation) and that list words are spelled correctly.


Read for 15-20 minutes in French. You can read a French book that you have at home, or a fairy tale. Choose a fairy tale from the list in the link if you wish. Read silently first, then reread with the soundtrack to check if you are sounding out words correctly. If that is too difficult, follow along with the soundtrack.


Review adding to 20. Play the game code sums. Children learned coding this year. This game requires students to select the correct answer to an addition question, then use arrows to move the robot to its destination.

Alternatives: If you pick up math workbooks from school, work on the next page of addition or subtraction for 15 minutes or as long as you wish. If neither a computer nor a workbook is available, create some questions with answers up to 20 such as:

9+8, 13+5, 17+2, 8+7, 14+5, 11+9

Some students will be able to add much larger numbers independently. Cater to your child’s needs/ appetite for a challenge.


Relax or get active with a dance we learned earlier this year. Walk, play in the backyard or get moving every day.

If your child is looking for more to do or enjoy, there are songs under the “Chansons” tab on the blog. Some are simple songs where children can sing along. Others are videos and student “lib dubs” to a Franco-Ontario group.