September Show and Tell

This month, students will bring in an object for Show & Tell to share in French. Please have your child prepare in advance so that he/ she may see me for help with any special vocabulary.

Topic this month:

Choose an object that represents a sport or activity that you like to do in your free time.

The object should be reasonably sized to fit into a mystery bag (the bag is approx. 30 cm x 40 cm). Students will play 20 questions to try and guess the activity. Then the presenter will tell us about what sport or activity he/she likes to do and why in FRENCH.


A sport you participate in.

An art activity you love to do at home.

A club that you are a part of.

An outdoor activity that you love to do with your family.

Special note: Many children love to play with toys in their free time! Please try and avoid your child bringing a toy to school for Show and Tell. Try and focus on an activity. For example if your child likes Lego, he/she could talk about building and constructing. If your child likes Barbies, he/she could talk about role playing and imagination games.