Le mercredi 3 juin- vendredi 5 juin



Do you have a favourite wild animal that lives in water? If not, is there a wild animal that you like that needs water? Today we will begin to write a BOOK in French about an animal that you choose!

(If you prefer, you can write a journal entry over several days).

Today, choose your animal. Find out how to spell the animal name in French AND find out if the name is masculine (le/un) or feminine (la/une). Linguee.com is a good on-line dictionary that can help.

Your animal’s name is your title. Write your title in fancy letters on the cover of your book. Then draw and colour a picture for your book cover. Don’t forget to write your name as the author!

For example: Le requin écrit par Mme Harmatuk

Next week, we will write sentences in our book about your animal. If you would like to do any research, you can.


Watch this video using tens, dizaines, and ones, unités, to help us subtract.

Then do p.247 in your Cahier rouge.



Review coins. Watch this video about 25 cents.

Do p. 103 in the Cahier rouge. Add other coins to 25 cents to find the total. There used to be pennies in Canada, so they are in this book too!


Click on science, week of May 18 on Mme Magalie’s blog.

Learn about where we find water in Kamloops. In your Journal, write about a place where YOU find water in Kamloops and draw a picture.



Listen to Mme Harmatuk read this story about Pat le chat.

In your Artiste de mots workbook, collect and write French words with the sounds and letters of the week: è, ê, ei. Use French books at home, Raz-Kids or see if there are any in the Pat le chat book that you just listened to!


Work in your cahier de calculs for 15 minutes.


Huskies are a breed of dog that often pull sleds on snow in Canada’s north. Draw huskies pulling a sled or draw this cute husky with this video.

Play math games on mathplayground.

Read in French in books at home or in the Raz-Kids reading room.

Write about your learning this week in your Cahier de réflexion.

Can you guess what part of Canada we will be learning about next week?