Le vendredi 17 avril

Les sciences humaines

Did you guess what Canadian province we will be learning about today?

It’s… la Nouvelle-Écosse! (Nova Scotia).

Read and listen to a story about Nova Scotia’s animals. You will need to enter the username llgg1 and the password lire2 . Please help your child find the book as it is not a direct link to the story. Go to the Fourmi (ant) level, and on page 2 find Les animaux de la Nouvelle-Écosse.

Then, in  your red sciences duotang label Nouvelle-Écosse on your map. It is okay that some letters will be in the Atlantic ocean! Lightly colour the province, including Cape Breton Island. Do NOT colour l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard. 


Le langage

Détective de mots

Be a word detective. Search for words with the oi as in oiseau and the oin as in pointu. Notice the difference between oi and io. Search in any French books you have on-line, on Raz-Kids or livresvideo.net. (See username and password above). Write the words on a paper or on a whiteboard.


M. Hogeveen has a video for you! You may need to turn up your volume as he recorded this one outside. You will need your parents’ help and permission to use water and kitchen containers to make some home-made instruments. Have a look!

Finish this week’s work and have a great week-end!


Play Tic Tac Toe in math with this week’s or last week’s board.

Read for pleasure in the reading room of Raz-Kids.

Practice math on math playground.

Work in your cahier de calcul or your cahier rouge.

Just Dance : Move Your Feet

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