November 12

Snow is here!

Most students were prepared at school with indoor shoes and outdoor clothes. A reminder that indoor shoes are required daily.

I strongly suggest that you send your child to school with an over the door hook for his/her locker. An inexpensive hook is adequate. With most students sharing a locker, there isn’t enough room for belongings inside during the winter. A simple hook over the locker door lets students hang wet snow pants up and makes more space in the locker for other things.

Upcoming dates:

  • Scholastic due Nov.22
  • Nov. 20 & 21- Rocks and Rings (an introduction to the sport of curling) in the gym
  • Wednesdays– count home reading points!
  • Thursdays– library.

Winter guidelines:

  • Students CAN
    • build snowmen
    • construct snow creations
  • Students SHOULD NOT
    • throw snow
    • destroy snow creations

The students had a lot of fun today in the snow. They also learned a new outdoor game: “Traverse-couleurs” from M. Charles. This game is popular on Quebec playgrounds and requires no equipment so children can play at recess and with friends.

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