September 13

We had a full busy week this week!

Today, students were given a challenge with limited materials, and needed to work creatively and collaboratively in groups to achieve success! Classroom rules were also reinforced: be kind and help others.

The Problem:

Make the longest paper strip that you can using only one sheet of newsprint and scissors. One group achieved a length of 7.5 metres!

Applied Design, Skills and Technologies – ADST

This activity is part of ADST, a curriculum area that students will explore throughout the year. In ADST, students:

  • Generate and share ideas
  • Use tools and a variety of materials
  • Use trial and error
  • Problem solve to develop a product
  • Share their process
  • Develop skills through play

We often think of computers when we think of technology, but basic tools such as scissors or a needle and thread are also technologies! Students had fun and enjoyed today’s challenge.

Using only scissors and a sheet of newspaper to make the longest strip of paper possible.

We also have our first art on the bulletin board in the hallway outside our class if you’d like to have a look. We read Sky Color and Joyeux rêveur by Peter H. Reynolds to inspire our own visions of flying through colourful skies!

Thank-you for Terry Fox donations and for those who brought waterproof library bags on Thursday. We are hoping to receive agendas next week. Scholastic flyers will be handed out. If anyone wishes to order on-line, you can also view flyers there and look up my name for September orders. Lastly, keep your eyes peeled for the start of home reading! Have a great week-end.

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