Primary Fun Day June 15th!

Dear Parents,

Our Primary “Fun Day” is coming soon. We have planned our “Fun Day” for Friday, June 15 th . In the case of rain, the alternate date will be Monday, June 18 th .

The group activity events will take place outside from 9:00 until 12:15. The children will rotate through 12 stations and hopefully have a great time! Please dress your child appropriately for these outdoor activities including hats, sunscreen and runners.

We need parents to run the activity stations. If you are able to join us and help out on that day, please let us know! You can email Mme Marko at or Mme Linthorne at or get in touch with me. We will assign parents to a station and post this information by the office on the morning of the Fun Day. You will not be contacted prior to the event day, please just arrive at 8:45!

Let the June fun begin!

Mme Harmatuk

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