This week:
- Unplug and Play has been a big success! Children are invited to bring in completed forms next week to win a prize!
- We have begun learning about the 3 states of matter, solid, liquid and gas.
- We have been making connections to the moral of the story in various fairy tales.
- Our focus has been the sound ail in chandail and aille in bataille. To make the sound, say the long I sound as in ice, and the y sound at the end (as in yes).
- We have been measuring with our hands, our feet, our height, our finger, and string and paperclips!
- In drama/French, children presented their fairy tales to the class.
- Children made paintings with Mme Niwa.
Coming soon:
- Next week, I will share first names with you for any children who wish to write Valentine cards at home. If so, please write one for every child in the class. Thanks.
- Next week, you will receive log-in information for Raz-Kids. This is an on-line resource for reading for children. You are not required to use the program. It is another source for home reading books. We are putting it in place so that if a child is self-isolating at home, or if we move to remote learning, you will have access to French books to read at home.
- Monday each child will receive a certificate for semester 1.
- Thursday children will receive report cards. Please return the signed envelope.