Healthy eating
We read a fun story today, about Albertine who will NOT eat Brussel sprouts at the start of the story… The story concludes with a fun recipe your child might like to try, Brussel sprout muffins! We will send a copy of the recipe home. Children notices what green fruits and vegetables they have in their lunch bags today.
Also, as part of our sciences and social studies unit on salmon, we read Mom, How Do You Make Smoked Fish? We are learning the significance of salmon as an indigenous food, and learning about different ways to eat salmon.
If your child was absent today, your child is encouraged to listen to the “Choux de Bruxelles” story.
We have been working on throwing and catching skills with balls and beanbags. Being active is also connected to our health!
Roots of Empathy
Baby Finley visited us on Friday for our pyjama day! We learned about why babies cry.
We are continuing to measure in centimeters and in meters.
We are increasing our efficiency adding and subtracting, and applying mental math strategies to our computations.
Our focus this week is the sound eu in feu, as in the sound put.
We are reading fun stories about food, Indigenous legends and books in small groups with the teacher this week.
Children can silent read in the mornings for 12 minutes! Bravo!
Book Fair
We will be attending the book fair on Tuesday as a class. Parents may come with children before and after school on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
Remembrance Day – Jour de Souvenir
We will be painting poppies this week in art. On Friday, we will recognize Remembrance Day with a school assembly. There will be no school on Monday in order to honour this day.